The Greither unit index
A rielaboration of a Greither article, done for the Percorso Eccellenza della Laurea Triennale (Path to excellence for the Bachelor degree) : Project repository .
Greither generalised the work of other mathematichans, finding a subgroup of the unit group $E_K$ (where $K$ is the maximal real subfield of the $n$-th Cyclotomic field) with an optimal index $[E_K:C_\beta]$. The instrument used are both from Computational algebra, Galois theory and Number Theory.
The work is composed with an article (🇬🇧) that starts with all the theory required, from an undergraduate point of view, then it explain the Greither work and in the end show some implementations of the computations, using Sagemath with a jupyter file ( jupyter file and output on html ).
The work has also been presented to other undergraduate students (🇮🇹).